Looking to break into the Insurance Industry? Our training platforms enable you to build your dreams! Local or virtual, we offer licensing support, marketing support, electronic platforms, and more! Contact us to begin your journey to success!
Career Agent Opportunities
Do you own the keys to your castle? Only if you are an independent insurance broker. What it means to be an independent broker is that you are paid directly by the carriers as soon as your business issues, and you are vested on all of your renewals DAY 1, absolutely no vesting schedules! If you are not an independent insurance broker and would like to learn more about owning the keys to your castle, or if you are a broker and find your castle isn’t big enough to hold your dreams, contact us now to speak with a Broker Relationship Specialist! The Legacy Firm PL offers training, lead support, digital marketing subsidies and more! Contact us today and speak to one of our Broker Relationship Specialists to learn more about owning the keys to your castle today!
Agency Owners
Take Control and Grow your Agency. Regardless of if you are looking to expand your agency locally or nationally, our experienced experts provide you systems, recruiting support, and tools that offers you the ability to achieve your vision! Let us give you the tools, systems, and support to take your agency to the next level.
Retirees / Second Career Opportunities
We want YOU! The Legacy Firm PL understands the value of your wealth of experience and knowledge. If you are considering a full or part-time career without having the hassles of missing a golf game, fishing trip, time with the family, or vacations, contact us today to learn how you can enjoy building an income that will create a financial legacy for you and your loved ones without the hassle of punching a time clock!